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Film Scanning Booking Form - Retro Media Services

Add the quantities of media which you have in the boxes below. If you don't have any of one particular type, e.g. slides, please enter "0".

I (the Client/ Intermediary), by clicking on "Submit", agree to the following: -


1.     Any copies of Copyrighted material, e.g. shop bought cassettes, made by ourselves, shall not be sold, duplicated, distributed or shown in public. It shall be used for personal use only.  

2.     Whilst every care shall be taken with the client’s material whilst in our care, playing cassettes or reel to reel tapes on old technology does have its risks. We shall not be held responsible for any damage to the material.

3.     If any media is found to be inaudible, or we required to find out what is on a tape, for example, we reserve the right to charge an investigation fee.

4.     The recordings shall be made of the originals as is. We shall not retouch or enhance the original material.

5.     The recorded material will be retained for maximum of 1 month, on our computer storage, after which it shall be deleted.

6.     Should the recorded material become damaged by the client, and replacement media is required, we have the right to charge for further copies of the recordings. If the original recordings are no longer available, we can charge the full current amount for the digitization of the material.

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